With most of the countries on the planet that have a ratio that equates to more women than men, you my dear, are what we who have morals call GREEDY. And, what you are feeling is not real love, it's LUST.
With most of the countries on the planet that have a ratio that equates to more women than men, you my dear, are what we who have morals call GREEDY. And, what you are feeling is not real love, it's LUST.
Wait..... I thought the story was that Whitney took him in when he was a young child. That's all I ever heard.
This is disgusting.
All these people commenting to you who kiss their child's butt all day every day, don't understand real parenting. They're calling you abusive, because they wouldn't DARE discipline their precious, fragile as a teacup, little MONSTER, who will disrespect them, disobey them, call them every name in the book, and become…
No. You're just tired of him not listening, and feel like you need to do something that will make him remember to listen to you next time. That's all.
Yeah. Monday we're gonna see her and Chris on TMZ, with pictures of them living it up over the weekend......
How old is she, 14? 14?!!!!!
No. She's singing "My, my, my, mymmmy".
Watch out for my—— waaaa thaaaa.......
The girl doesn't even pronounce her words when she's talking. How am I gonna understand her singing.......
What. an. idiot.
Than you so much JES. It's been a looooooooong time since I heard this, you made my night.
Exactly what I was thinking.
They both came to the party looking like blow up dolls.
"Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith were asked how it feels to watch each other in love scenes with other actors. Twinkle in her eye, Jada replied, "After 20 years… I actually, you know—" "—She a little freaky like that," Will cut in. What can we say? Lady likes to watch."
So....... It's a feminist porn site.......
This is a voice worth listening to. She was excellent.
To Blake, I think you are officially gray.