
Pretty catchy. Good pick. Although I must ask, whoever told this guy he can sing? BUT, I also must admit, Fine Young Cannibals wouldn't be the same without him.

My thoughts EXACTLY. I could care less about that frekkin' "Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman that's not a Wonder Woman" movie..... *but i will pay my money to see momoa*

Well that's the breaks. Pretty people marry pretty people. Unless it's for money. Then usually a pretty girl marries....... a not so pretty (or young) guy.

Oh yeah, he was doing the haka there. So frekkin' fine.


3) ".....at one time no sex before marriage was realistic because people only lived until their 30s. So yes that was easy because people got married in the teens like in Gone With the Wind. Today it's not realistic." Why did it have to change? Who made it nerdy or geeky or strange or peculiar or freakish to keep your

"There are pitfalls in both choices, but that's precisely it: a choice.... Clearly you have some issues with sex. Fine. But your problem is ascribing so much influence and power to it..... Purity doesn't exist. It never did......"

No I didn't stutter, because if I did, then I would've stuttered in my typing too. But my typing was clear, so, that must mean what I said was pretty clear, since it was in english and all.

This is not browbeating, this is saying that she has another choice, and doesn't have to go the way that others like (yourself, after the fact) chose. Don't say that keeping your virginity until you are married is something that society deems worthy, because if you did, you'd be a big liar. Look at all of you on here

Wai-wai-wai lady, where are going? You are going WAY too far. Who said anything about rape? Is this conversation about rape?? I thought the topic was about saving yourself for the wedding night, not being brutally violated against your will, especially at such tender and young age. And I am truly sorry for you and

Absolutely. Did I stutter????

Your comment has nothing to do with my comment to her, since I think I just got through telling her that its NOT about other people, but to your comment I would say, you don't know who, as outsiders of the relationship looking in, is *secretly* or openly impressed by this accomplishment, but professing that they're

"I never said there was anything wrong with being a virgin on your wedding day."

First of all: You're too concerned about people. Others. That's what you're worried about. How others are going to "view you" if you don't do it before your wedding night. Secondly: This is the man that you yourself, said that you want to spend the rest of your life with. It's ok to be nervous, but there comes a point

Yes, because your marriage and wedding night is all about everyone else, right? Not you having self control, or respecting yourself and your groom, or even accomplishing something impressive that you can be proud of........

"Bride prided herself on being a virgin on her wedding day. 'I'm wearing gleaming, blinding white because I earned it!' (Yes I know it's f***** up.)"

I'm a girl, and even I'm getting grossed out by the conversation that's developing here.......

I am not impressed. And where have all the dark skinned people gone??!!!

Actual. Living. Beige. OMGosh, I have GOT to snerch this and use it.......

She knew him at the time of his death too, ya know.