
What—- why did you use this pic from The Warriors????!! As you can recall, she was a willing participant. Nobody was hitting on her, and nobody asked her to tag along!!!! Sheeeesh..........

Me and my brother used to take the lampshade off the lap in our room, and put Little Debbie's chocolate cakes on top of the bare light bulb, because we wanted to heat the cake up so the chocolate was nice and goooey—- until our mother caught us one day.......

I shouldn't be laughing right now........

Well good thing he wasn't REALLY voguing, 'cause he would've knocked everybody around him unconscious.

I can't believe you said that just now. You must not have seen Jordan just standing there doing nothing.......

So it's actually a going out "top to bottom".

HAHAHAHAHA, yeah, I see what you did there, but let me blow YOUR mind: NKOTB did not originate that song. The Delfonics wrote and sang that song.

Are they still here in NYC?

I had the NKOTB sweater and watch that one of my classmates gave me. Oh, and they would show whatever was the newest NKOTB video during lunch period too. Those were the days......

W-wa-wait a minute—— Jordan can't dance? Ugh, WHAT is happening here?????

Ok, um, wait— nobody in the audience knew the words to "Pony"? I think you need to be more specific of the demographics of this audience........

Anytime you want the REAL truth, I'm here to give it:)

Yeah, we definitely don't need to do the Time Warp again.

Oh, because they make music about nothing, and they're not great singers/rappers/whatever they think they are. It's that simple.

That was just perfect. Exactly my face while I was reading it. And this can't be drawn, but a little bit of throw up in my mouth too.......

You were the one who brought it up, no one else did. Stop your bitterness. I assure you, It's in vain.

God IS there. He doesn't not exist because you feel that He disappointed you......

This is my first time hearing this song, and clicked on because I was curious. So disappointing. Agghhhh where do I start........ Ok, so she is not a remarkable singer at all; The music is DEFINITELY nothing special; She's singing about getting faded, getting high, getting money is all she's worried about; I am

Why does he look like a 1932 Mississippi steel mill worker from the top of his head to his neck, then look like Lolo Jones from his neck to his feet? How does that work????

Yes she did just walk right past her: "I'm a living legend, and I don't know you. Bye Felicia."