
She suffered "mental injury?" You can't be serious right now. If there is any injury she suffered (which would be negligence, because the switcheroo was quite by mistake, and very unintentional) it would be an injury to her pride, and her racist brain. She got hit with the very thing she hated, and she couldn't stand

Hypocrisy is not a good look for you, Mister Cleo. You did the did the exact same thing when you first responded back to me, "predicting" she probably would not have sued. Look into your medical books darling. Negligence and malpractice are two different things: Negligence happens with no intent to harm the individual

If somehow she did figure it out, find out, however she got to know about it, she most likely, would not. And that is negligence.

I KEEP ASKING THE SAME QUESTION! It seems, that nobody has an answer for me. I wonder why that is..........

"Like if you get the wrong blood type. Like if a lab doesn't know what..... they are doing and you get a surgery you didn't need. Labeling is a pretty basic thing."

Even if the child was white? Would she still sue????

But that shouldn't even matter sweetheart. What if she had white baby, but the baby was still from a mix up of vials??? Would she have this lawsuit still????

What is the lesser of the two evils for this precious child? I pick the evil of the foster care system. Unfortunately. It seems like she just *might* have a better chance there.

They should've put her up for adoption as soon as they found out. Plain. and. sim.ple. What's the point in keeping her if they didn't want her in the first place? Did they want to see just "how black" she would turn out first? Did they want to see if she would "pass"? Now the bank was very wrong for the mix up, but if

I'm sorry, is it wrong to laugh at this??????

Newsflash people: THERE'S NOTHING TO KNOCKOFF! Who's gonna knockoff that gown? It's one of the plainest, most classic silhouettes out there. It wouldn't be a knockoff, it would be the same as anything else you see available.

This entire get up is an example of sheer laziness.

Don't you know? Her stylist is Kanye, and he doesn't care how embarrassing she looks.

Ok, now this time, Kanye has gone too far. There is not a planet in the universe on which this outfit would be ok. He was seriously that upset with her that day, that he started cutting up her clothes? Tragic. Althought I have to admit, the colors are DIVINE..........

When is it ok to whitewash a movie based on biblical times....... NEVER. EVER.

I totally agree that movie was awesome. And I like what you did at the end there regarding The Mouse (tm).

That's perfect.

I agree with your last sentence. And by the way, that happened to me one time a couple of months ago. This tall, heinously gorgeous man was walking near me, and I had to stop in my tracks, and make it look like I wasn't staring, but really *Isecretlywas*........

So, I don't care either......

Oh why, WHY? First of all, it went on way too long, 2) he's so adorable, you can't fault him for being so weird.