
ESPECIALLY if she showed up in a bikini top and a cowboy hat.

Yes, of course they had to crash the wedding they happened upon instead of just leave the wedding to it's business (The latter is what MOST of us human beings would do, but see, apparently celebrities aren't human.....), because you don't get press if you leave it alone.

"I love your mother's cookies." Priceless.

Sorry *smarmy*.

I love that word "smamrmy". I use it all the time.

Ok, so, 1) I'm not impressed, 2)She scares me, and 3) I want my mommy........

OMGosh, I've been waiting to be able to see this. Taika Waititi is everything!

no, no, nO, No, NO!

He has a serious problem. I feel for the girl that he gets after this, who has NO CLUE what she's dealing with.....

She probably lives at 123 Street Road Terrace, Miami Florida

What the freak was she trying to do in that first one. THIS IS NOT BOWLING.......

That was horrible. There's no sugar coatin' it.

Look, it was a scuzzy thing that this guy did. It was VERY WRONG. BUT........ These celebs wouldn't have been exposed IF they did not take these pics in the first place. PLAIN. AND. SIM. PLE.

I'm not impressed with FKA Twigs. Seems like everybody's trying to be The Weekend nowadays. Onto the next......

Yes, it is.

Oh the awe-inspiring silver fox that is Jeff Goldblum.

Oh, the 3 Chris's of recent beefcakedom. You know what, I'm just havin' me a Chris Pratt moment right now. I will never be able to understand it, but it is what it is.

#1, where have you been, #2, you need to see him in action, then you'll get it.......

You forgot Michael.......

Of course he's halfway decent looking. She wouldn't have gone out with Harry the Homeless Wino, he would've been too terrible to behold. If she was gonna have somebody homeless as her date, he HAD to have model good looks, so he could be her arm candy. How hypocritical. If you're gonna have somebody homeless as your