
Yup. but there were some possibly staged photos of her carrying a bag with his name on it a few days later. Regardless, this is the way to do a high profile break. They didn’t comment for months so when the ‘official’ report came out people don’t care as much.

Ugh, smarter then I am. Dammit.

Did it. Regret it to this day. Plan to remove it one day. $$$$$$

Pronunciation: Sex- wa -le or sex-whale?

No. Whining is the worst. Especially from a fully formed (we assume) adult woman of 35.

Hey Kim, maybe a little less complaining from the woman who tried for ages to conceive. Others aren’t so lucky. I admire women being open and honest about aspects of pregnancy/motherhood which are challenging, but this seems extremely narcissistic. Second time girl, you knew what you were getting into.

He was awful in A Walk Among Tombstones with Liam Neeson. I prefer to just think of him as Matthew Crawley for all of eternity.

Shannon needs to keep some things private. I also think she needs to cut down on the forced family time we see on camera. There were portions of this season with the kids that I just fast forwarded through. Imagine being 10 or 12 years old and all your friends and their parents know every last dirty detail of your

His overly coiffed, crunchy hair-do is all I can focus on when he’s on camera.

but Shannon has judge-y eyes, she gets a cookie too.

I read an interview with her recently (Oct 16/15) which was complementary of her husband (in a non-traditional way mind you).

Now thats a boner. I enjoyed his commitment to the dance routine/pole grind.

The personal assistants/hair and make up people seem thirsty as hell for fame too. I imagine the Kardashians pay well.

My mother had an IUD in her 20’s and something went terribly wrong (fused to her uterus or something, can’t remember exactly). She had to have emergency life saving surgery and as a result (she thinks anyways) she was never able to conceive. Her story haunts me.

The one line that has stuck with me over the last couple months, “no one puts their child on the water unless it’s safer than the land.” These poor people are desperate. Large scale human tragedy unfolding for months and months and all this beaucratic bullshit red tape means they will continue to risk their lives to

Just said the same thing. It’s absurd to have a second shower, espically when you’re mega wealthy.

The troubling thing about this entire story is the second baby shower. Isn’t it a faux pas to throw a second shower and receive gifts for baby #2, especially when you are a multi-millionaire?

Sparkly gold leprechaun semen in this case.

These make no sense, you wouldn’t be able to move quickly, go outside on a windy day or run you hands through your hair, otherwise your hair tattoo would separate and just look like ya got some goop in your hair. Pass.

No you’re right! Am I bad person for wanting him to be shamed publicly?