
Sephora collection has a nice one which is reasonably priced and doesn’t have too much pigment. I hate when highlighters looks white/yellow on the skin too.

The Wire is fantastic. I had to watch with the subtitles to catch everything but well worth it. Plus Idris Elba.

Mega Fox.

Your Mom seems sassy.

Jeremy Bieber is a enabling, lazy, trashy man child. The End.

You are not alone. I have nearly zero libido while on the pill (which as been for about 15 years now). Then again an unwanted pregnancy and/or resulting child would also be a libido killer too.

Awesome. Love it.

DUI Krashes are inKonvenient.

I just can’t with open toe booties. Sorry.

Agreed. They’re have been blind items for well over a year about her alleged ‘cocaine’ addiction and people were speculating that she broke up with Bieber when she was getting clean because he’s a druggie too. She and her well oiled PR team could have put that all to bed by coming out with her disease disclosure

Havn’t made it yet, but my mom sent me a recipe for CROCKPOT apple crumble. Will be making this for Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend :) (with vanilla icecream of course).

Ladies, I watched the Backstreet Boys self released documentary Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of, and as a teenager I was totally a Brian girl. But, as a fully formed woman, I’ve found myself really attracted to Kevin (awful facial hair included). If only NSYNC were all still friends too.

I cut side bangs because I was too nervous to go full Zoey Deschanel. I’ve regretted it for almost a year now. I just need to leave my hair the fuck alone and find some inner peace with having the same hairstyle for eternity.

Totally agree with you ‘fun socks’ are literally so hot with the 25-35 year old crowd right now. I love catching a glimpse of a cool sock when a man in a suit sits down.

For the record, I’m from Toronto, and I’d never ask to hold your hand. #notalltorontonians

I hear ya!! We need a change. Harper has to go.

The book is very technical. I didn’t ‘get’ all of the science-y bits, but overall it was a good read.

The book is quite technical, but enjoyable.

I keep watching this Gif and looking at a new girl each time. It’s mesmerizing.