Great, new condo developments taking over Oakland’s hallowed foul ground territory. Gentrification and the trampling of history in the Bay Area continues unabated.
Great, new condo developments taking over Oakland’s hallowed foul ground territory. Gentrification and the trampling of history in the Bay Area continues unabated.
See, Ghostriding the Volvo totally worked!
I’m a Pirates fan who has adopted the Indians. This is an insanely likeable team (sans the whole racist logo). All the players are a joy to root for.
Fair enough!
If you want to alienate a fantastic fan base, you really couldn’t do better than the perfect shitstorm assembled by 49ers ownership. Moving a team adjacent to a completely different metro area and this assuring inaccessibility, both physically and financially, to watch a terrible version of the waning product that is…
I’m a complete pussy when it comes to that shit, probably does not help being a Bay lifer who can just throw on the headphones during the annual or so occurrence. But yeah, we have some good boomers come through at least every couple years. Anybody who says they’ve been living in SF for 25 years and hasn’t heard…
I’d prefer a 7am game. Serve bacon and eggs instead of hotdogs and still get to work at around 9:30. Would be a great way to beat the heat in July in the South too.
If there’s anything people in a city named Columbus cannot stand for, it’s planting your flag in foreign territory and claiming it as your own. “Unacceptable”, they all proclaim.
The only things less cool than this apology was the way the flag immediately fell over when he planted it, and adult people thinking that a guy who won a football game planting a football flag (badly) in the grass of a football stadium is somehow “disrespectful” in any meaningful way.
I assumed he did it to ensure he doesn’t get drafted by the Browns or Bengals.
Planting the flag is forgivable. But not referring to them as THE Ohio State University in his apology is inexcusable. Drink bleach and die you motherfucker!
He pissed off a bunch of Ohio State, excuse me THE Ohio State fans? Makes him a fucking hero - no need to apologize, and fuck Ohio State.
“special kind of stupid”
What baffles me even more is the white bread and mayonnaise eating motherfuckers that think someone like Bannon and his boy Don really give a fuck about them? I don’t think rich people are really looking out for me, even if they agree with me on some politics. You gotta be a special kinda stupid to believe Bannon…
This is Lalas in a nutshell. He truly believes soccer is about “leadership,” “grit,” and “determination.” That’s because he knows shit about skill and tactics. USMNT is quite worthy of criticism, but not from this waste of space and his ra ra bullshit.
Dylan Thomas was an outstanding alcoholic, Jack Kerouac was an outstanding alcoholic. Mickey Mantle was an outstanding alcoholic. Richard Burton and Oliver Reed were outstanding alcoholics.
Whatevs. Everyone knows racism does not exist anymore and is made up by the leftist media. Fake news. Libtards are the real racists.
After reading about how Randolph was treated, and his lawsuit, Betsy DeVos got angry and issued a new nationwide ban on college athletes having access to their medical records, saying, “If Mr. Randolph had never known about his earlier MRI, none of this would’ve happened. If they are never told they’re injured, then…
Personally, I feel the blame should always be put squarely on those who are paid actual millions of dollars.
Why, is there a pic of him eating Skyline Chili that I'm sure Buckeye fans love?