
Leave, leave now!

Cultural Rapists Bros

Can’t think of any of bad joke but this. Sorry #WeAreNotTippingThisPitch

Now that is a Hot Fudge Sundae Take!

Good way to start the Weeknd

Time to get a change.org for GET GUS JOHNSON TO ANNOUNCE 2017 NCAA TOURNAMENT

Cool is a essence

Bo this man, Bo this man right now!

They lost to the Raptors.

Yup and Isiah got his teammates to do a lot of dirty work, without them questioning at all.

Curry would have been hated by now, plus he encourages his teammates when he is on the bench. Boogie has the maturity of a 10 year old so I don’t really blame him for throwing that ball at Chris Paul.

Miller and Fleming are an absolute treat to hear on the radio, borderline convinced they must have a bet to see who laughs first. Reminds me of Tim Conway and Harvey Korman.

God dammit why can’t this happen to every single Duke player.

Yeah my hot take was pretty fucking lukewarm. Appreciate the feedback

Thanks Wing Wong for reminding me that I have a life. Have fun in your Grandpa’s Basement drinking Mountain Dew getting angry at casual observers. In case you were wondering not a giants fan.

Guy was mediocre at best during the regular season, but to his credit was an absolute beast in the 2012 & 2014 Post Seasons. Don’t miss grown ass men wearing Panda Hats at AT&T Park.

Probably the best NBA ALL Star Weekend since 1988

That guy was hilarious and would have some random dude in the background as part of the act.
