
This guy is super creepy particularly how he lunges for these ladies tits so he can get a feel in quickly before they protest. CREEPY. Ostensibly, he's there to encourage women to get check ups, but he tells them all that their boobs are "firm and healthy" thus discouraging them from seeing a doctor because they

According to Mayer, it's actually a total accident that she became one of the few female leaders of a tech company because she had no real "grand plan" for any of her success.

What the hell? I have been really admiring the ultra skillful, ULTRA FINE line of eyeliner her character wears, this was clearly applied not applied by that makeup artist...

I..what... wait ... ugh Jezebel, i do not know what to say because you know that this hashtag started because JEZEBEL (and other white feminist websites) defended Hugo Schwyzer, you deleted comments and banned WOC because they spoke about his past and how he treated WOC like shit, THIS TAG APPLIES TO YOU AND HOW

Yes. I like the implication that WOC just decided, out of the blue, to start a trending twitter topic. Clearly not a reaction to something heinous that a white supposed feminist had done (supported by largely white feminist news sources).

I know you guys read our comments. I know you ladies are SMART. I know you wrote this because people kept bothering you. I know you all know how we feel about this and Hugo. I know you all would feel the same way if you were a reader of the site instead of a writer. But you keep posting these non-posts about

She said AHEM. Is that not enough?

If you combine this article with Jessica's article about Schwyzer you get....well. Nothing. You get nothing. What a disappointment. Ahem indeed.


Are you serious? Is Google broken on your computer, or are you just that damn lazy?

Jessica Coen cannot, in fact, name him, because as everyone knows if you say Hugo Schwyzer three times he shows up in your house and insists that the real gender problem in the world today is women not being nice enough.

Right. I hate coy, passive-aggressive bullshit like this. Say what you mean and mean what you say, dammit.

Grab your ovaries and come out with a real statement, or, hell, a retraction if necessary. This - this is bargaining. And it is pathetic. Jessica, I respect that your job is difficult. You're representing feminism to a broad audience. Do us all a favor: stand up straight and speak clearly. I have tremendous faith in


I'm pretty sure 99% of Jez's readers have always been well aware that he's a manipulative asshole. Have a look back through the comments on some of his articles...

Shit into a bag and then throw it into the main house via a window. Aim for the bedroom.