farscythe - makin da cawfee!

This will hopefully be a more successful experiment next year with the aero changes to support overtaking.

Hamilton dropped down to 6th actually, Gasly was (before he went of) in front of him.

I really need to re-read Wasp...

Guaranteed that person would be wrestled to the ground, arrested and be run through the legal system for an extended period of time. The target would, of course, immediately avail themself of taxpayer funded monoclonal antibody treatments and a taxpayer funded stint in a private room at an already overcrowded hospital

Don’t get COVID-19.

Spiders are fine. It is when a motherfucking wasp flies in the car, that is when it is panic time. I would legit tuck and roll out the door at highway speeds to get away from one if I have to.

I’m fairly pro-spider. They’re eating something, and I guarantee you want whatever that is even less. 

holding a beer for up to 5 minutes without drinking any would be a challenge...

He didn't want that to happen to his balls, so no crotch strap.

If he can’t fix Saturday he isn’t much help on Sunday.

Perez has GOT to start giving Verstappen better cover. Your not driving for a Midtable team anymore.  You have to race from the front.

That’s not quite right. Hamilton had to be content with only the fastest lap.

My mother needed to go into the hospital for surgery. And while there she didn’t follow the news due to having some really good drugs.

Think part of the fun is the fact that its a new track ( or remake of a very old one). So everyone needed to find what to do and where. Simulations etc can tell you something. But not everything.

Agreed. This track is WILD. I don’t expect a lot of passing tomorrow though.

Agreed about the onboard laps… that looks absolutely insane.

I would have voted for the Mazda Porter, but the t360 is also a good choice.

Man, fuck whoever ordered food during that. Fuuuuuck them.

This is a legitimate old-school track that is going to challenge driving abilities in as close a way to the golden days (also read as: deadly days) of Formula 1 as we’ve seen in a long time, I think.  That said, it’s going to be an absolute shit show.  After watching F3 practice, I’m more convinced now than ever. 

From what i’ve seen is that they did a good job advertising the various public transport, hired buses, and parking lots further out. But yeah, i’m sure the Dutchies will be trying to park as close to the track, because it’s their goddamn right!