farscythe - makin da cawfee!

It’s probably true, even though Amazon ships a lot to the Netherlands, we have two other companies that are very big here and together have everything Amazon has and they’re dutch. Bol & CoolBlue if anyone wonders. Amazon only recently officially opened the dutch website.

Why won’t they let us have nice things?

...and don’t forget the fancy accents help a lot 😎

Europe looking at race relations in the US: “Where did you learn to act like this?”

I think there are a lot of groups that are known as sheep fuckers.

I mean Germans are really known as sheep fuckers. I figure the Netherlands are more....goat fuckers?

Erik, it was a racing incident, pure and simple. Neither driver was about to yield the race to the other right then. Both drivers were going for the same thing and hoping that the other would bail out.

God can take the wheel, so long as the state has her keys.

I have often found the best way to nurture critical thinking is to pretend things you don’t like do not exist.

/r/formuladank is absolutely killing it right now


Jesus I didn’t think I could end up hating someone because of a 3rd party but I think that just happened after watching that. I might hate Verstappen now...

Fooking bizarre

“Study Finds..”

Helping the less fortunate is, as they will tell you, a Christian value, and they are good Christians, they will also tell you.  But what they consider helping the less fortunate is things like paying for a membership at the neighborhood pool for a neighbor who can’t afford it.  Not helping people who don’t look like

I’m done. ZERO sympathy for anyone who refused to get the vaccine for any reason other than they have an existing autoimmune issue that put them at risk for taking it.
My wife and I kept trying and trying to get the vaccine and finally got an appointment in a small town 90 minutes away from us and were thrilled to get

It’s worse now. These assholes used to have to rely only on spinning the news. It was bent... now it’s broken. Trump showed them they were working too hard. That they could just straight up lie while smiling into a camera and then later tell the opposite lie while still smiling into a camera and their dumb-as-shit

Define making it easy?

Vettel: “We need more German engineers”

Unless he’s pumping gas in Chile when the carjackers pull up.