farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Good, murdering piece of shit.

If you pay someone fuck you money don’t be all shocked and shaken when they decide “fuck you” is the answer.

Don’t you hate when a lawyer completely contradicts their entire defense rendering it pointless and expect the courts to accept it?

Heh - somewhere, there’s a fairly big sector of a Venn diagram of people who won’t be vaccinated against Covid, but will take a random pill found on the bathroom floor in a club.

Damn, i wish she could’ve taken the stand to defend herself...
“Your honor, they’re telling me to put a pharmacy in my body. But I think it’s my right to pick which kind of prescriptions I should accept! Now move to your left because a donkey butterfly is about to bite you.”

I cut this exact same quote for the exact same reasons.

She wanted to smoke and drink and did. That it was “self medication” is a bullshit excuse for it being in her system while pregnant.

Argument: Set to self-destruct mode.

There’s a disturbingly large number of people who believe that if anything is ‘natural’ or ‘traditional’, it doesn’t count as a ‘chemical’, and thus can’t hurt you. That doesn’t explain the meth, but it’s also common for people’s fear of ‘chemicals’ to be directly tied to the government and the medical establishment.

Still, Sheeley went on to say that Franklin wasn’t taking her medication because she was pregnant and she worried about how it might affect her child, but he also said that her ‘hallucinations only got worse when she started to self-medicate with alcohol, marijuana and meth.’

Not anywhere near long enough. She should have gotten life and the Feds should make that happen! They always have an excuse for the evil they do. No mercy because they show no mercy.

i) Good; charge her, try her & jail her.

Only too true.

As someone who has worked and commuted during the entire pandemic, I can’t tell a difference. I see the same amount of people crossing lines, not signaling, hogging the left lane, speeding ,and tailgating as there’s always been.

I think the most telling thing in all of this is that I struggled to remember exactly which Black man murdered by police this was. When they all start to run together, there might just be a problem.

Oh look..rich narcissistic people make words!

Horrible title. I do not want any van made by MB unless it’s the size of a Sprinter and can be made into an executive limo. So, basically, I only want a MB Sprinter executive limo.

When attendees of the reveal party at which the explosion took place were asked why they would engage in such a dangerous, pointless exercise, they replied, “WHAT?”

I just can’t believe I saw Penny’s booby. It was the end of innocence.
