And he’ll have $14,827 to customize it with!
And he’ll have $14,827 to customize it with!
Battery wear not an issue - dual motor basically same as Performance except the inverter so not an issue for the dual motor.
Lol, ok, well maybe he’ll just find the smell of burning ball-hair displeasing enough.
God I love this
Your Dad clearly didn’t know where he was going with it either.
My friends and I were totally sharing this around:
Virginia parents behaved the same way when a teacher brought in this video
Meanwhile, Sebastian Vettel is not only Driver of the Day, he’s also Engineer of the Day and Strategist of The Day. Jeez, what the hell, Ferrari? You need an intervention, or at least call Lisa Su because AMD shouldn’t be on a shite car like the one you’re running.
A tenth of a second in either direction and Rossi would’ve gotten T-boned. Holy shit that was close.
“The phrase I posted does not reflect my personal views at all,”
Proving once again why Britain is better than everyone else today our GDP was announced to have dropped more than 20% in the last three months, far more than any other G7 nation.
This looks like if you took the front end of a Fiero and combined it with the rear of a CRX.
It would be cool if you could order the interior to be decked out in your clan’s tartan from the factory.
You could have stopped at French.
You sure you’re not confusing him with his brother?
This is only Brad Binder’s third race in the top level of motorcycle racing, but he has made an impression already…
Gosh, I was watching Obama speak while I was having lunch and 1) he looks great, 2) I miss this man... so. damn. much.
I had to look at my own dumb white head just now. Is it a white person thing? No, my ears do not look like they’re capable of enabling flight, even with my mask on.