farscythe - makin da cawfee!

The Renegade’s an entire size bracket bigger than the Panda 4x4.

Better way to start WWIII than the route Chairman Chump is headed!

It’s a 2017 with the 1.2. Wind every gear out and you still get 4.6L/100km

Unkillable and damn roomy for a mini. They are so much fun to drive in city traffic. Keep the revs up and squirt through the tiniest hole to get that sweet Southern European fuck you moment. The new model actually has FCA’s head unit as an option. It’s the only new car I have ever paid cash money for (8400EUR). It

Until they pull out again... Which seems pretty likely going into a down market cycle.  I’m guessing Alfa dies again, too.

Proud owner of a 2017 Panda here. You can park it on a Saltine and it sips petrol. Stay to the right on the autobahn and you are good.

But, of course. That’s a wormhole within a wormhole, isn’t it? So suitable for current times. 

“Very disrespectful. This was done by very terrible, very nasty people. I’d classify it as presidential terrorism. I’ve directed the CIA to look into this immediately!”

Fake news, that brush has way more hair on its head than he’s really got. :P

Well that’s because no one has hearby decreed that you can’t buy anything from “Jy-nah” anymore. (I hate that I now hear China as Jy-nah).  Eyeroll.

Trump’s trade war is a play to help Putin by destroying the US and alienating us from our trade partners.

I strongly suggest that we punish Sen. Sandoval with some very stern Thoughts and Prayers.

Trump time passes so very, very slowly.  Our lives are being chewed off at an accelerated pace.

This demon will explain.


Now playing

Of course he’s going after the eagles, he hasn’t forgotten the time they tried to assassinate him.

“Disorderly conduct” has always just been a catch-all charge for the cops to arrest you for whatever-the-fuck, when they can’t pin any other specific charge on you. It should probably go as a charge.

I would also love two

Just get a AZ-1