farscythe - makin da cawfee!

That is the problem, a lot of high mileage ones with deferred maintenance out there, you could get a deal but a good one will command a premium.

Very appropriate gif, since he later goes in to a spin that perfectly mimics the working classes’ attempts at stability.  

But you can get a steal on a black market kidney thanks to desperation, may can get 2 for the price of 1.

Thank you both for distilling a full Jalopnik comments section to its essence.

but kinda, yeah.

This car is a Toyota / BMW joke.  I bet BMW execs are laughing hysterically 

Yeah, I miss Kimi on the podium so we could see his post race interviews. Not his fault, and he makes Alfa look better than they really are. 

Came here to say this.  The damn car is still hideous.

If only he’d had something to keep him entertained instead of spending those nine hours thinking about how much of a shit person he was. Something that might let him blow off some steam harmlessly in a virtual world...

He even held off Bottas. I mean that’s what the results said, I didn’t see it during coverage, but I also skipped ahead a bit. 


It breaks my heart more than my head. 

Or get more pissed at them making you spend all that gas money.

This wasn’t a “crime of passion”. He didn’t just get angry and lash out, because if he had, then yeah - nine hours is going to cool anyone off.

Well, there was a “massive outpouring of thoughts and prayers for the victims and first responders” occuring at the identical moment that Dayton went down, so you can’t rely on saying that’s going to fix anything. Gotta find SOMETHING to make sure LaPierrie can keep hitting up the NRA for new jets.

I was in an elevator a few years back (I’m 40), and there were some college kids arguing about something. One said “no friggin way” and another countered with “no friggin yeah!”

Was initially gonna go with “is not x infinity-bajillion” but I trusted my gut. 

Yuh huh.

Nuh uh.

“Still ugly tho”