farscythe - makin da cawfee!

This picture reminds me how terrified I am about the fact that Angela Merkel is retiring.

Hot about a Prius with a 6.2L V8? And a supercharger? And is road legal?

I want to be in love... but...  it looks to much like a Prius.   Put that motor in the Leaf race car, and I’m sold.

OMG, “pious” is actually the perfect autocorrect for Prius.  

Is this a real photo? It looks pretty real to me!

That is flawless!

... in favour of killing them all and spreading the wealth equally...

I find you to be quite reasonable. A true very stable genius!

LS swap

Or maybe he never would have left the parking lot knowing he couldn’t get himself home.

I mean, sure, I know it’s a massively complex treaty that’s been in place for decades supported by dozens of laws and thousands of regulations, and that’s been a major factor in the planning of hundreds of companies with thousands of employees which impact easily hundreds of thousands of jobs in downstream industries,

He was being forced to go to a shithole country for a reason he will never fully understand. His handlers are letting him take Monday through Friday off to make up. Then it’s back to his regular routine.

He's probably extra pissy because of that. I'd say that and the Mueller stuff going on, but I assume he has the memory of a goldfish and doesn't remember that.

Only that it perhaps gives the perception of everything associated with a "salvage title". Nonetheless, a beautiful piece of restoration work, and a good waste of 10 minutes watching it.

Was sitting outside for about 10 years iirc

I played for 10 years and my breaking point was several weeks where every fleet op I went on was either an awful laggy supercap brawl, unopposed structure shoots, or a roaming gang that flies around for 4 hours without finding anything.

I was introduced to him via NPR, so I’m not exactly claiming to be a cool music person. ;-)

Maybe if he was just a floor worker. But a supervisor?  He should’ve been fired immediately after saying that.  Nobody that thinks that way (especially to the point he feels comfortable just blurting it out) has any business supervising people.  There’s no way you can trust him to treat all the workers equally.

Sometimes you start your day realizing “hey, it’s rainy, I got the day off. Lets get a pot of coffee on and play some Eve!”
Logs in.
Casual jump to next system...
aaaand you just got suicide ganked in 5 minutes.
“...on second thought, the Pub is open. I’m going to drink now.”