farscythe - makin da cawfee!

Thanks! I’ll make a note. One of the nice things about egg dishes is that you can throw lots of different things in, and they work.

Brr. You’re in the Netherlands, right. Sending warmth from the desert while you enjoy the northern climate, which has its own beauty. 

Research project!

Ha ha ha!

She has a great voice! Will look for her/them when I go to NOLA.

I hope it turns out that your mom is okay! 


Spare a thought for my husband, who last night had the first of what will probably be many 14-hr workdays through the holidays because of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, et al.

Shelter Cat Update!

This is the applicable statute:

Really waiting to see some of that ‘fighting tyranny’ second amendment action they talk about so much, because this kinda bullshit is a clear sign that America has lost it’s moral and ethical compass.

Oh my god I’m shocked this looks nothing like what I expected a 911 to look like

Holy shit it looks like, yeah every other 911.

And let’s not forget it was the foreign policies of countries like the US, UK, etc. that destabilized many of these countries over the course of generations, in pursuit of cheap resources and compliant business environments.

The ruling is that it should not be a federal law and instead driven by laws in local jurisdictions - the judge mentions “criminal assault.” It’s a technical jurisdiction argument.

It’s illegal in 27 states, and you can still - I assume - charge the practitioners with assault, etc.

It is interesting that I’ve run across reviews or instructions for products from China that mention not using the item immediately after opening to let the various gases escape.

I was just about to ask when we can start eating them.

Seriously.  A couple days in Beijing, I wipe my nose and my snot is black.  They’ve got some nerve talking about wanting fresher air/better scents.