farscythe - makin da cawfee!


I think I officially became the family pierogi lady. This week three different family members contacted me about pierogi making advice. I never would have predicted this as a child. I will give advice and fight you (and win) that my non traditional way to cook them is better. Anyone else have a family role thrust upon

Not only do her parents suck, her school sucks, the NCAA sucks, and pretty much everybody else she comes in contact with suck.  The only one who doesn’t suck is Emily herself...she just munches, if you know what I mean!

It’s actually still legal in New York State. The map below shows (in blue) the states (and some counties) in which it’s banned.

It’s been widely disproven and identified as abusive junk science.

We do such a great job with our kids, eh? Her parents disown her. The school that’s supposed to be leading her through the last stage of becoming an adult tries to fuck her over. And the only organization that could theoretically protect her from the asshole Jesus freak fuckwads at the school sees what’s going on and

Here’s wishing this young woman finds her own family of supportive people who will love her for who she is.

Gofundme is here:

I hope her parents get Salmonella for Xmas.

Now playing

So what was it like working with Sting? Is he nice in person?

Like I said...why do you live so close together. A fucking football field is nothing.

What kind of a fucking piece of shit neighborhood do you live in...where you can throw something far enough out a window that it smashes into a neighbor’s house? I mean, for Christ’s sakes...maybe you shouldn’t park so close together.

My husband and I need to drink more. Tonight for funsies we bought a new smoke/carbon monoxide alarm online, having spent way too much time researching our options.

I know the socialism insult always confuses me, especially when it comes from retirees who are reaping the benefits of Medicare and Social Security.

I mean, that’s like stealing a Picasso - it goes into some private collector’s hands and disappears forever. I’m not sure I’d put this truck in the same category...

More than I or they can get from the executive branch. Random on the inter web carries more prestige these days, farscythe. Thanks.

My parents are homeless and 23 of their neighbors are dead.

I hope there’s not one of these in your near future.

Well that’s bomb disposal so I hope your not visited by one.