its true.....
huh...i thought it was the welsh that were sheep fuckers
max fans are the fucking worst....
when i was in OK i had the cops called on me..for smoking weed on a park bench
ill just leave the new national anthem here
lol yeah
not sure what more he could have done.....looked like they got that car wired and good to go pretty damn quick
*googles ellipses*
with 14 races to go (assuming rona doesnt fuck shit up along the way) im not counting hammy out yet
eh max was fast before.....seems hes matured into consistant too
fajitas and beer then :)
im going with bottas stays for at least one more year
ooo..i forgot to say...even tho vettel royally fucked him over
lando was much so that i completely forgot to pay attention to russel
i cant speak for yous as im in the netherlands....but going by how shits been going over since going back to normal....
tbh...i was half expecting the bull to make the chiron look like its standing still
close enuff :)
just checking if anyone can see me