farscythe - makin da cawfee!

i thought it was just ferrari getting cocky when it looked like they might just win now

yep... first time she turns up in the vent and spidercrawls at you i dont think i even tried to shoot at her i just ran the fuck away (lucky that turned out to be exactly what i was supposed to do that time)

huh.... i swear he looks younger in those pics than he did before

first time alma popped up in fear damn near killed me

i’ll cheat and say that whatever it was was incredibly stupid in a thats not how any of this works way

i may not always agree with her.. but i know where she stands

im going to miss merkel when she goes

i am invisible

they’re for sale year round here... making them not really a valentines candy either

I’m in the Netherlands

soo... hes paid to patrol and largely ignore the inmates students unless they are killing eachother?

welp... i dont think that made anything better traffic wise

hiya... can anybody see me”?


this is the first time ive seen siera leone in the news since the civil war ended in what.. 2002?

russian?... i was expecting it to be finnish... they love to bring their saunas everywhere

its not mine.. found it at the vets... at a guess it belongs to one of the nearby farmers as i havent seen it in town since

hey... i found one just like that a while back

oh man... we banned shrooms over here in the netherlands