clearly some down on his luck nobody who happened to be able to steal cars needed a car to get a real job... upon getting the car he got the job and 5 months later he’d saved enough money to buy his own car and return the *borrowed* one
clearly some down on his luck nobody who happened to be able to steal cars needed a car to get a real job... upon getting the car he got the job and 5 months later he’d saved enough money to buy his own car and return the *borrowed* one
eh.. he went to germany too?
i think 25/30 gets you 5 grams where i am...
yay :)
im 36
Instagram is the master of changing shit no one asked them to change.
i thought so..... guess it was still too subtle lol
ive not been on the recieving end of that one yet.... only a matter of time
nah just a slow learner :p
eh i missed that memo... i thought i was sposed to get an award for trying nowadays
fair nuff... agree to disagree.. jolly good old chap carry on
well yes... i also realize that if it were being unloaded by man they wouldnt be using teaspoons....
shush you logix have no place in my crappy jokes
today i learnt its completely impossible to make jokes round here without someone taking it seriously
and that coal miners... is why you no have jobs
a whole bunch of new cars will be released... most of wich will be pretty meh and the rest will be either stupid expensive or not sold in the states
the netherlands
np.... i think... ive no idea what its actually worth... but ive never seen one before and its oh so very clean