jeez... her parents suck
jeez... her parents suck
ha!... i had the otherside of that coin.... overslept and when work text me to say they were still expecting me there that day i text back
what kind of pansy assed throw do you have that you cant clear a football fields worth of distance with a throw?
alternatively.... charlie murder
i bought a smoke alarm after my fuse/breaker box melted down (didnt start a fire... just charcoaled itself... lucky)
So anyway, I have a lot of respect for Matt Whitaker, based primarily on reputation. And I think he’s really — I think a lot of people are starting to come out very much in favor of him during this period of time.
its not... other than that the risk of getting caught for it is about the same... (least would be... if it was stolen by regular carthieves... as it hasnt turned up yet im guessing this was proffesionals)
eh someone stole this thing a while back
haaah... hes not the devil...
well.. shit...
laughing at him probably pissed him off more
shouldnt be.... unless they learn of my fireworks
negatory.. i think
never been in one of those yet... least... not for meself
eh tbh... i figured the bollocking i get for overtime im not allowed to have will be a much more fun bollocking than the one i’d get for not going to the overtime coz i couldnt find anyone to swap with
well tbh.. i did try swapping... but i work shifts and only see the people i take over from and the ones that take over from me... it just wasnt possible
im sposed to not be working when doing the courses...
me three :)
i think management is trying to kill me.... got 2 mandatory safety courses coming up next monday/tuesday (at least one of them will involve roleplay... kill me please) but mostly its the timing of it thats amazing.. i get off work sunday night about 10 o clock need to be back at work 9 am monday till noon and then…
shit mate.. i agree with you... but im not a not even american... according to me last poll im a socialist libertarian and on top of that im dutch