oh man.... its only one sentence.... and it still hurts my head
oh man.... its only one sentence.... and it still hurts my head
closer to $3 here.... but yup
i dunno if hes the patron saint....... but thats the day we picked
yeah thats what i figured..... im hoping it waits till i have a lifetime contract tho
lol im in the netherlands we dont really do halloween yet
nice :D.... i’ll have to up my game next year... being the only house for miles that does halloween makes you lazy :p
heres my front door guardian
tbh... i think the us may have passed that point already....
welp... this is hopefully me being a pessimist and expecting the worst...
wow wethers originals are the only ones ive ever had of that list
good point.... i’d go with crazy personally
survived a plane crash and a car crash... doesnt seem to be missing any limbs... and he thinks he’s cursed?
lol probably
corona light?... i did not know that was a thing
that makes much more sense
lol.. we call them socks... i weld metalfiber mats for gas burners
cds? nope wasnt me.... i had tapes
id agree with you... if the bath is meant to be just a relaxation thing
well... thats even stupider... so you might be right
noooooooooooooooooo...... i need my my christmas socks.... ive been pretty not bad and my feet are cold