
Avatar checks out

Well the Baltimore Ravens must be the avant-garde of the NFL, because it seems they’ve skipped over the interim and are going straight to High School offense.

I think irsay is referring to the small little bone that luke skywalker shoved into Andrew Luck’s Mouth.               Because Andrew Luck is a Rancor.

Also, making Jesus a prophet of his religiom was a genius move by Muhammed.<< Right.

I feel like this was a real missed opportunity to say “pedophisland”.

If the genders were reversed << Oh man.

Interesting that you mention the demon statue.

It seemed strange to have to do so in a Zelda game.<< very much so.

I absolutely love the game, but I can empathize with you completely on those things.

I think if I were making a strategy guide it would go:

Thank you! spot.fucking.on.

I know that you can make a chain of logical inferences to demonstrate that Luke would know the name, but when he actually said ‘darth sidious’ out loud— to me, it was like seeing someone in Gladiator wearing a digital wrist watch.

Luke vs. Vader in Empire is the best lightsaber duel across all of Star Wars<<< the fact that anyone would argue against this —is insane.

That poster tells a better story than the two newest saga movies.

I’ve been confused about this since the movie came out.  She’s like one of those hot teachers that sleeps with their students, I guess?

I agree. I was 15, and a pretty big star wars fan. Jar Jar was annoying, The blockade / trade dispute plot was hazy. The very young age of Anakin was a bit annoying.

Next on: The Mundane Activities of Intrepid Reporter Lois Lane

But this is the problem -- we live in a world in which some believe that just mentioning something is glorification.

Also unlike Carol Danver or Mockingbird — HQ is more like Batgirl, Batwoman, Robin, SuperKid, Supergirl, Aqualad, kidFlash, reverseFlash, et. al.