I hope he somehow ends up perfectly rehabilitated and on the Patriots just Brady retires and just rains AFC championships and Super Bowls down on the colts for a decade
I hope he somehow ends up perfectly rehabilitated and on the Patriots just Brady retires and just rains AFC championships and Super Bowls down on the colts for a decade
>>an indictment of your entire organization<<
Morality and ethics; things like bigotry and racism are not things I let impact my food decisions. I’d eat the last panda (especially if he/she were holding a chick fil a bag). But Papa John’s pizza sucks. So no, you should not it eat it.
You just summed it up perfectly. I think me and my know-nothing fantasy football friends could take over the Colts front and back office and do better than what Irsay has put together.
Right....Tom Brady. That’s a big one you missed there.
no. He needs a time machine.
While I agree that Jim Irsay is an opiod hovering priapismed dick-necked asshat that shouldn’t be trusted with baby aspirin, if he wanted pills — he’s ultra rich in a city with nothing but the colts and gigantic hospital networks....he has plenty of other ways.
you had me at two johnsons for the price of one.
Lithgow was the absolute high point on Dexter and did a great job playing Winston Churchill as well. He is grossly underrated.
True. And to that point .... no one would have clicked on that title.
I aspire to a day when I am rich and famous enough that my every crippling eccentricity becomes a marketable revenue opportunity.
>Therefore more articles are produced to facilitate places to talk about it.<
First, Steve is cool.
^This. As a Colts fan, I fucking hate the Colts.
As a colts fan — I feel like if you lose your conference championship that badly, you should just sit out the entire next year and figure some shit out. Don’t they have soccer leagues like that in Europe?
As a Colts fan, I hope Andrew gets all his money and leaves. Just leaves. I hope he never plays another snap as a Colt. Until Jim Irsay dies ( badly, one hopes) I just want them to put the Colts away.
This one here is true.
Peach exists to be kidnapped.
Yeah. The only situation that comes to my mind is if there were a mechanical problem with the plane they were on and the airline intended for everyone to deplane and board another flight all together later in the day. The woman would have gotten her stroller back at the gate anyway....maybe not as soon as she would…
totally agree.