Yea, we thought about cloth for our first because diapers are like fucking kcups .... they are just alarmingly wasteful, but a friend who had done cloth railed against it (perhaps to seem like more of a martyr than for just cause).
Yea, we thought about cloth for our first because diapers are like fucking kcups .... they are just alarmingly wasteful, but a friend who had done cloth railed against it (perhaps to seem like more of a martyr than for just cause).
That’s a pre flash mob right there. effing in heaven. Effing & Effing & Effing & Effing in Heaven
It looked like a middle schooler with too much money made a commercial for a new upcoming con.
That made me laugh. Hard.
It’s a vegan restaurant. It’s probably their house.
They’re fine for constant loads of laundry and diaper rash.
At a vegan place, I am just happy to hear they weren’t cloth.
women who refer to themselves as “Mama Bears”
Have 2yr old with another due in two weeks. Yes. Yes, you should have been grossed out by this. I know it will incite dark rage from some, but if you are changing your kids diaper in such a public way (on eating surfaces for christ sake) are a dog shit parent.
Like my grammy said: You can’t ride two horses with one ass.
GTFO ....
Thank you for taking the time to answer.
1. Do trophies do anything? Can you buy shit with them?
As an old, can I ask what is the significance of having a platinum trophy? Can you use one to like buy something or trade in for products?
Rodriguez was probably like 3 years old in 1986.
I hope not. I really disliked TFA, but none of that is on Ridley. I would like to see her in other things.
You may be right about Johansson, but I think she still has a record for career box office gross by a female actor (I could be wrong though). The rise of ensemble films has made it a gray area in terms of who is drawing what. I am still comfortable saying that no one goes to see a movie because Rodriquez is in it.
Not disagreeing with your overall point ... but I would just like to point out that in absolutely no way imaginable does Michele Rodriquez fall into the same conversation about box office draw as Scarlet Johansson or Jennifer Lawrence.... and with WW, probably not Gadot either anymore.
“And seriously, if you’re building a team playground style, just looking at all of the top players in the NBA, you’d go through a list of probably six or seven people before you picked Westbrook, precisely because he’s no good on a team.” .... Star!