I’m too lazy to get it myself....but I’d like to see win percentage in OT versus who wins the OT coin toss.
I’m too lazy to get it myself....but I’d like to see win percentage in OT versus who wins the OT coin toss.
Also (because people are in the afterglow, Brady hype train that comes every time Belichick dismantles a team) everyone is forgetting that the Bennett fade was a bad call, badly thrown as well.
It’s physically more demanding to play defense.
Don’t know about that weird RB play at the end...and the onside kick is one of those genius if it works things....
Well at the TIME, it didn’t look like a historic Disintegration that had never been done ever in Superbowl history was in the cards tonight.
New England didn’t have some miraculous comeback -- they just didn’t f**k up what Atlanta seemed determined to give them.
I legitimately wonder how many Superbowls the Pats would have won if they had had Payton Manning all those years or if they had switched over and gotten Aaron Rodgers.
Absolutely. This is the only game I can remember watching in which one team (Falcons) made so many bad calls that it seem truely irrelevant who the other team on the field was.
....yea and Phillip Rivers is the greatest Fantasy QB of all time because he threw 2000 yards every game. When you’re forced to throw 5 yards into the soft parts of a prevent zone every single play of the game.....those yards add up quickly.
Colts fan: Honestly, I couldn’t not be more sorry about that man. I wish we would have decided to forfeit that game and just look to next season.
It was like someone was playing NFL Blitz
This is why I hate the Patriots (and Belichick and his crossing route chucker)... It just seems in the past ten years if there isn’t an interesting, good team that rises to the top of the AFC then it’s just a default that the Patriots’ system puts them in the Superbowl and there is another atrocious game.
EFFING AYE! Very few people are mentioning that wasted time out which (in light of the Falcon’s other colossal f*ck ups) was absolutely massive.
Right!? Someone upthread said something about ‘fine balance’ between comeback and choke, and I damn near fell out of my seat. There was nothing balanced about it. The Pats comeback consisted of horrifying play calls on Atlanta’s part (including the inexplicable lack of a game clinching FG) followed by Brady playing…
Correction: Belichick doesn’t kick at all.
The fact that you equate these things with fraternities in a general sense is unfortunate but hardly your fault.
Completely agree. WoW also burned me out early as well, and I feel thankful.
There is only one normal flavor for kit kat
as a man...number two thing men lie about. usually only by an inch.
Poor chargers.