
I'd heard about many more instances of problems back in the previous generations of IUDs (like back in the 70's).


I've had two girlfriends with IUDs (both got them during the relationships, now what does that say about their opinion of me as future father material? Hehe), and was actually present for the insertion with the second gf. The insertion itself is painful, and does involve getting up on the chair with the stirrups, and

Something close to #5: I was driving down a road in Colorado, with this dude parked right off my bumper, could only see the back half of his hood in my rearview mirror. Maybe two feet away. Apparently, he was super focused on me, because he didn't see the cop behind him, even when the cop turned his lights on to pull

Looking back, I think that's what I actually did. It was two years ago, and I can't really remember, so the only way I'll know is if I get in there and dig around.

Because it's using an automated approach system - it drives itself to within range of the ISS. If it went totally batshit haywire, it could accidentally ram the ISS, causing mayhem, destruction, and possible death of the astronauts onboard. So NASA is understandably a little worried, and would want to have to give

I put one in, and I believe I twisted mine then covered them with electrical tape. That being said, the power to it is starting to cut out (two years later), so I think I'm going to go back in there and solder it all together, and see if that does anything for me.

That's what I'd like to do (live closer), but yeah, you do what you can.

That's me - I don't want to live next to work - the apartments are all in sketchy neighborhoods, and all the houses are stupid expensive (not to mention I'm many years and a couple life changes away from considering a house purchase). And I like to spend my weekends by where I live, or up in the mountains, which I'm a

If you can, shift your day forward.

When I had a gorgeous commute with a beautiful mountain view the whole way, it was great. Now, I'm driving on freeways through industrial areas, so not so much on the view. I still don't mind the commute, but that's because it's a nice opportunity for me to switch my brain from 'work' mode to 'everything else' mode.

Of course, you post this THE DAY that I order a mintyboost kit. *shakes fist at Murphy and his stupid law*

Sorry, yeah, I did read that wrong. I guess I just don't want people to go too far.

I don't know, I was talking with my boss recently - one thing that pissed him off royally was when people blatantly lied on job applications - If there's a dropdown on the online form that asks if you have x years experience with a certain software package, and you say yes, but in your resume and from the interview

What I've been happy with is having a desktop for when I really want to chew on stuff (also great when I need to work from home) and an iPad for portability. If I need to 'create' anything, I do it on the desktop, with my ergo keyboard, etc. If I'm just 'consuming', I just pop out the iPad wherever I want.

I don't know about their android options, but I certainly like my Verizon iPhone 4s. That being said, if you end up liking the iphone more, I'd say to wait until the fall when the iPhone 5 (or whatever they'll call it) will presumably come out, most likely with a shiny new form factor and LTE.

Anyone else going to be at the Bay Area Maker Faire May 19th and 20th? Also, anyone gone in the past and had any suggestions on how to get the most out of it?

Aww, shucks, there just happens to be a J.C. Penney on the way home from work... and oh, it's right before traffic usually jams up. I'm sure I can find a reason to ditch traffic there, especially considering this.

I usually need two sheets, but I've actually been quite happy the few times I've used the Dyson air blades.

I listen to NPR, and otherwise use it as 'separation' time. On the way to work, I switch my brain into work mode, stop thinking about what mountains I have to climb, and start thinking about what documents I have to review (or whatever). On the way home, the opposite. It's a nice way to separate the two parts of my