
Okay, I guess a lot of people don't think about this - People in Town A drink purified river water (or from a reservoir, whatev), pee (and more) it out, it goes through a water treatment plant, and back into the river. Town B, downriver, then takes this same riverwater, purifies it, drinks it, treats it, and puts it

As much as it makes me look like a hipster, I've loved my chrome bag:

I've been happy with these:

Actually, the chemical engineers I went to school with did most of their work in excel, and had mad skilz. So, she does have options.

Hey, Giz is the one that started it. I mean, come on, it's like leaving a dollar on the sidewalk and not expecting someone to pick it up.

"Amazingly, there was a major uptick in people going out to bars in the San Francisco Bay area, especially in the Cupertino area, in the months of August and September. Bartenders were puzzled, reporting folks scouring any flat surfaces, seemingly looking for something they or someone else had left behind."

Here's why I think it isn't - button and speaker placement on the front:

I was actually at the Naval Academy at the time (but still 'active duty'), and was medically retired at the end of the year with 30% disability. I've since asked about joining the NOAA Corps (people who drive around NOAA's ships), and there's about a million and a half hoops I'd have to jump through to do it, and

My Crohn's was discovered in a semi-similar fashion. I was in the Navy at the time, failed a practice pt test (not surprised, I hadn't been working out), worked out regularly for three months, and failed the real one even worse (very surprising). Saw the doctor the next Monday, got blood work back and every other

I've used OkCupid for a couple weeks, and have to recommend it (I have definitely found someone nice to be with). The crowd on there is more intelligent, at least as far as I can tell.

Efficiency. You can make a plane that will go Mach 2, it just ends up having a really short range because it's guzzling fuel, and can only carry so much. These are much closer to sipping fuel.

It'll be interesting to see what sort of lessons they end up learning the hard way on this - there's a lot of things that the US and Russia learned the hard way on Skylab, Mir, ISS, etc. that will NOT be shared with the Chinese. Just hope it doesn't cost any lives to learn these lessons (not that it would stop the

In theory, this hardware could be automated, but the on-orbit observations of the astronauts do a lot to help the scientists understand what's going on.

I believe these stayed on the shuttle, and didn't go over to the ISS.

It has to do with the incubation time - basically, you want about a week to a week and a half of growth on orbit, then you insert a fixative so that you only have growth in microgravity. However, the fixatives only work for so long, before the bacteria starts growing again, so it won't really work for the months and

I actually made the hardware used to do this science (shown at 0:59), if anyone has any questions about it feel free to ask.

darn it, you beat me to the punch.

After having made steaks sous vide style, I wouldn't have it any other way. So amazingly ridiculously tender. Just takes a bit of pre-planning, but you can put them in in the morning, pull them out, throw them on the grill to get the outside done just right, and then saver the tenderest steak ever (at least it's the

But it sounds like the files still have to be uploaded to the dropbox servers, and we're talking gigabytes and gigabytes of photos.

So, I live with a couple roommates, all with our own fleets of Win 7 computers and our own homegroups. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of how to share photos and other things between us, without combining the homegroups (we'd like to leave those intact)? We'd prefer something that worked over a local