@koali: I'd check crawlspaces/attics/ducts for dead animals, esp. rats or mice.
@koali: I'd check crawlspaces/attics/ducts for dead animals, esp. rats or mice.
@jazzytay: I have never understood how people could do that to their dogs. Truth be told, it's also a physical concern - my dogs (rather larger than that one) wouldn't sit still long enough, and would pick anything like that off of each other in about 2 seconds.
@Skeetz: You also tend to be more upright.
@battra92: lh has instructions here somewhere on triple booting...
@Nosgoroth: Well, there goes my career as a linguist. Sorry.
@Nosgoroth: Ehh, I can appreciate spoken Japanese, but pretty much can't stand it sung. But yes, I believe there is some music from Princess Mononoke in my stream, and I'd like a little more.
@Archnemesis_Goldenhair: I listen to these mostly through Pandora, so I'm a little limited, but yeah, just about any John Williams gets a thumbs up from me, especially Indy.
Orchestral music from movie soundtracks, esp. science fiction/fantasy - Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.
@dexter_greycells: I (and my dad, and a bunch of my coworkers) actually use it in referring to the US government, but it pretty much applies to any government.
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: I may have to vote for that, for that same (genius) reasoning.
ShopShop. Super simple shopping list that just works. Oddly enough, it's what I've used the most.
@Grégory Jourdan: Very true - all too often I (an engineer) hear "but if you just added this, it'd be better!" Except, no one wants that.
@TheFu: But you actually don't. If it was perfect, the ticket would cost $1,000,000 because it would be prohibitively expensive to build 1 plane, much less fleets. What you do want, is enough backups and failsafe mechanisms in place to ensure nothing breaks catastrophically.
Good enough for government work. Or, correctly pronounced: Gud 'nuf for guv'mint work.
@RStormgull: I sincerely hope not, being a dude and all.
@Jen007: It's actually no-shit true. I was just as amazed until I saw it.
@zrag: Funnily enough, my girlfriend's family raises ducks, and we actually use duck tape to tape them up - when they're about 5 weeks old, their wings start to fill up with blood, and can droop and can be permanently deformed, and need to be taped up to prevent the drooping. Oddly enough, duck tape works best for…
@msg001: Loud enough to wake me up.
@AD: Call or drop by a police station. Or google it.