That’s how I pictured them looking at Bernie’s funeral.
That’s how I pictured them looking at Bernie’s funeral.
They say, immolation is the sincerest form of flattery.
“Ten percent of voters doesn’t sound like much, but when that 10 percent is your most vocal, rabid group of on-the-ground message ambassadors, you better listen to that 10 percent.” -Donald Drumpf
Yeah, I am shocked at the audacity of Jalopnik/Gawker to point fingers on credible journalism. It is pretty ridiculous.
1. Just so we’re clear: a branch of Gawker media is getting at someone about their clickbaity tactics.
That was really desperate. WeatherTech must have threatened to pull their ads or something.
My boss and I will be there, I fully expect a slew of ridiculous ideas. He has no idea who you are but is the type to not see through sarcasm (Also very impressionable). So if you tell him to build a wiener mobile for the people, then i guarantee the next day I will have a paper on my desk to research aerodynamic…
If it is then they should probably listen to him. Scion didn’t listen. Look what happened.
“Take that, LHC!”
So no one told you Top Gear was gonna be this wayyye.
Dude, I'm telling you, the truck kidnapped itself. Look at it, I mean, a lifted Bro-SUV, in the parlance of our times. It owes money to tuning shops all over town, including to known Stancers...
Chris “Thin-skinned” Evans seems to be a poor choice as the helmsman on this show, if all of these reports are to be believed. One of the better parts of the previous iteration of TG was that the guys took the insults and uproar with a laugh and let it roll. Evans seems to take it personally, by these accounts, which…
listening to this like
Watch out for that...
Mustang. Over one billion swerved.
Damn, already uglier than an Aztek...