Yes, one of those cars is indeed Matt Farahs Million Mile Lexus.
Yes, one of those cars is indeed Matt Farahs Million Mile Lexus.
“Today Subaru is known for having all-wheel drive and... uh...”
Holy mother of giant testicles. What kind of ETs are these mad men running?
I'm not sure anything has ever been more British
And lo, on the second day of the second coming of COTD upon the interwebs, Brt himself descended from on high (atop every oppositelock tab) to bless us with a kernel of snarky wisdom.
Words cannot express how disappointed I am that the phrase “good news!” did not appear in this post.
What trunk?
As a kid who frequently asked to be left in the car, because grocery shopping is boring (especially in a small town where you always run into someone your mom knows who you then have to stop and wait in the isle while the talk about nothing at all... And God save you if you run into one of your teachers) compared to…
Maybe when it didn’t work, Doc when back to the drawing board, and the future, and did a Regera swap on the Delorean?
Thou hast been blessed by many hours in an aluminum tube in the presence of our lord Yeezus West.
Huracan CHE (Chris Harris Edition)
Nobody tell Lewis. The world doesn't need anymore Roscoe or Coco.