probably something to do with aero (like the stabilizing fin down the center, minimum size and shape of cockpit, etc) and general dimensions being closely regulated? since it's modern motorsport and we can't allow radical innovation, oh goodness no.
probably something to do with aero (like the stabilizing fin down the center, minimum size and shape of cockpit, etc) and general dimensions being closely regulated? since it's modern motorsport and we can't allow radical innovation, oh goodness no.
As a half-brit I may have a slight advantage, but I wouldn't call any of this fantastic baby babel unintelligible...
Sheesh. well in that case maybe spinelli is the American James May. American top gear is pretty intolerable on screen by UK standards.
Goodguy Batman? Fights crime as a mystery vigilante by night, happily pulls over for a minor traffic infraction by day.
May is definitely an honorary Jalop. He pretty much paraphrases the holy prayer "Miata Is Always The Answer." He also simultaneously owns an F430, a brown Silver Shadow and a Fiat Panda, and would argue that the Panda is the best of the three.
Dutch top gear?
Tire smoke. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.
Just a wild guess...
probably has something to do with Spinelli being on the Jalopnik masthead
James May Rants About Yogurt
this is why I read jalopnik. You just don't get this kind of comprehensive coverage of infrastructure-human relations from other news outlets.
Had the same thought when I first saw the Draguar:
You mean to suggest that things happen in congress?? At this point I thought the capitol building and everything in it was just decorative.