
Actually, no. I enjoy Zoe Saldana’s work and think she’s attractive. I would love to see her get even more lines in Star Trek.

Real men ignore microaggressions, because they are meaningless.

For the record: You tell me to get the fuck out, call me a white supremacist, and then dismiss a very reasonable response to your pissy little post, but I’m the troll.

“They sound just like the type of person that went into a rage when they saw all the non-white people in the new Star Trek.”

Oh, I’m a white supremacist, now?

Maybe grow a spine and learn how to prioritize a wee bit.


Recognizing the destructive product of victim culture does not in any way mean or suggest that everything is okay.

Who cares? Non-issue. Move on.

Racism might be about power.

Where draw the line? By your logic, business suits are white culture. Should blacks be shamed when wearing them?

You need to step in front of a bus.


Whatever their reasons may be, those women are appropriating white culture.

If that’s how you feel, then just keep pissing away your vote on idiots like Jill Stein.

Eat a dick.

“There does seem to be a common theme among the shooters though.”

Having worked with and around celebrities, I’ve observed that fame, money, and power allow them to get away with more than someone else. This gradually pushes the line of what they believe they can get away with well past the point of what is generally tolerable. Many are also fundamentally broken people, so when