
In all fairness women sponsored these bills.

I have to strongly disagree. I don't see where the waste of local taxpayer money is. However, I do see a big huge waste of state taxpayer money. :)

This is kind of spelled out in the scene in the beginning where he shocks the guy for getting the card guessing game right so he can flirt with the girl.

Democrat turnout in primaries is low because dems tend to be more “orderly” about the nominee. I’m not talking presidential races either. It's all the way down.

Basically you want news but don’t want to pay for it (including via ads). I think you summed the problem up nicely.

I do polls sometimes in my work. You can get 10% of the people to do anything. I could get 5-10% of random people to say they would eat roadkill or put their parents on the street. I could get another 10% if I phrased it properly.

You ladies still don’t get it. You think a streetwalker dress like Julia Roberts? Lol. These girls are getting catcalls because people think they’re junkies and crackheads walking the street for money.

If you take a shower, you vape. Vaping is just inhaling water particles. Aka steam

All babies are ugly except mine

Chubby is not categorically overweight. Chubby is “could benefit and has ability to lose 15 pounds, but...meh” overweight.

This is an adult cartoon though. I think part of the magic is the real special fx as opposed to cgi. The other half is best described by this tiny toon adventures cartoon:

But carter was really guilty

Statistically speaking, how many users of this website do you think die each week? Has to be a few.

You're either insane or yoko if you think yoko > John

I meant Overtown in Miami. Sorry. Even the trailers here got for over 100k cause the Canadians bid them up. Even smaller cities in Florida will cost you $150 for a starter home.

Where the heck do you live that $100,000 can buy you a house?!? Even a crack house in Overton will sell for more than that.

ok I see it now. The hand looked backwards to me, but I realize now you push out like that with your thumbs down

I’m actually kind of curious how someone inflicts bruises like that. They look like my friends legs who has anemia and always has bruises.

Nothing about this situation was threatening. You don’t shout “pew, pew” like a laser gun if you’re 1) gonna shoot. 2) not mentally insane. Also she was pretty blatantly looking for a suicide by cop. I.e. She wanted to die. Apples to oranges. +3 for effort.

In South Korea, wouldn't surprise me. Wasn't there already a cloning scam over there?