
Definitely sandwich because that sandwich Simmons gave Fitz in his bag looked soooo good.

FitzSimmons! They quit SHIELD and open a high-tech sandwich shop in NYC.

Why have i not read this advice a couple of years back. A serbian film broke my heart and mind in to many pieces. How I wished i have not watched it. I do not read reviews or spoilers before watching any film before a serbian film. but now, I am super cautious and as much as possible read some reviews.

What is this from? I keep coming back to look at it to giggle even more.


It does look weird though. Like it's been smushed a bit.

Look, I've always heard that it was horrid cesspool of a movie, and I know that I am NEVER (and I mean never) going see it because that's what people warned me, but I was just curious as to what all the fuss was about, and I went to a spoiler site. Needless to say........ it was too much spoiler. Once again, I will

For me.......... It was too late. That movie was Brutal!!!

Ugh gods that movie. The only two films I kind of regret experiencing are A Serbian Film and Cannibal Holocaust.

After the baby got it's head crushed in during the second movie I was officially done. I can take a lot but not that, that's just to much

Accurate, my arse.

Come on, IO9. If you are going to post a picture of a Brontosaurus, at least use a scientifically accurate reconstruction:

I don't know, Ria. Suddenly I want to watch your nitty-gritty Joker craftsman movie.

Ninja were mercenaries, assassins, who usually had some pretty shoddy equipment, as long as it got the job done, not exactly the romanticised, honour-bound culture you think they are. Ninjatou are pretty gross when compared to the craftsmanship of a katana.

Now playing

Then there is, of course, Nicholas Gurewitch's own twisted short. So unsettling.

"Sin City" isn't really something I would be into so I haven't read it or seen the movie but by all accounts it IS good but it's also the point everyone says Millar began to lose it. "Dark Knight Returns" is really good (except for his treatment of Superman and how he clearly has no clue how Superman's powers work, or

He is in the second one. :) woot woot.