
Right! I’ve never read the series, but I’ve been waiting on this trailer as I liked the premise. My one teeny, tiny gripe is I never liked sepia, but that’s just me lol.

Is this like a prequel to the movie coming out this year?

No, not good enough. Have her imitate these two and she’ll blend in perfectly.

That was the exact scene I was gonna’ share when I saw this conversation. Are... are you a long lost brother?

No thank you. I’d have more to say but I spent all my hate points yesterday.

I honestly don’t know anyone that loves it. I know people who appreciate it for its technological and filmmaking aspects, but love it? Hell no. But, it is a truly terrible film lol.

Well, that’s a thing... and it happened.

I’ve never done it, come to think of it.

I’m down for that. They didn’t suffer enough in life lol.

Has nobody realized how asinine this story is yet? Two teenagers fall in love, get two people killed, then kill themselves, which causes Romeo’s mother to kill herself. All for what, some fleeting spike in hormones. Sorry *ahem*, my anger escaped for a second. Here’s an exclusive pic from the pilot.

It’s starting to seem that way. As I said, I haven’t seen them in a while, so I could be way off here.

Well, as far as I can tell, 4 is the first that is truly a sequel to the first anyway. 2 had only Paul return iirc, and felt more like a spin-off.

Don’t sweat it. Happens to me all the time lol.

They tend to run together lol. In my mind, anyway.

I completely forgot about that! It’s either that’s strong or I’m good at picking up general information that any idiot should know lol.