
And Michael Bay still won

It’s all fun and games until you’re watching Nicholas Cage boning himself... then it’s amazing

It will only bug me if that’s all one of the post credit scenes are.

I didn’t see the R rated cut, but I liked the theatrical cut. If it wasn’t a send off I don’t think I’d be as interested. I’m just a bit Wolverine weary.

I love zombie movies of all kinds, but as for the state of the genre right now...

As long as it doesn’t equal watered down sequels to bring in the kids

My excitement for this film is almost as high as my excitement for Cap 3 and Batman v Superman. It also exceeds the next X-men film in my book.

“Sometimes death comes knocking. Sometimes it tears down the walls.”

“I’m the law and stuff... I guess.”

“...and remember kids, don’t do drugs *sniff* and stay in school. *sigh* And take your vitamins.” Slowly floats out the window as the classroom is silent.

“Damn it Gerard! Now we have to start over and... well shit, we don’t have time. I guess we’ll just keep the fucking smile spartan take. Bastard.”

That’s bananas

He’s a merciless menace

“I’m well aware of how big a nerd I am lol.”

I thought it was bland and forgettable. The best I could say is that it was better then Robocop 3. If you liked, more power to you.

I now kind of regret asking lol

Toho has started production on a new Godzilla with the director of the upcoming Attack on Titan movies, IIRC.

I almost consider it it’s own thing honestly. It’s a mix of all the things Godzilla has been over the years and it currently sits proudly with the 15 othe big G films I own lol.

Are you telling me that Robocop 2014 wasn’t a smart satire, pfffft... can’t do it.