Perhaps there was value in having a forward-looking Starboy like him to help with the insanity in DC. Once he figured out nobody would listen to him, he peaced out.
Perhaps there was value in having a forward-looking Starboy like him to help with the insanity in DC. Once he figured out nobody would listen to him, he peaced out.
The reason to oppose the death penalty has nothing to do with the people who deserve it. It has to do with the people who don’t. We execute innocent people sometimes. It’s that fucking cut and dried. If you are for the death penalty, you are okay with the state occasionally getting it wrong and murdering innocent…
I think a lot of people lose track of the fact that emotional labor and mental/management of labor are in many cases just as much work as the more visible physical labor/chores. Putting the onus on one partner to handle all of those things because the physical chores ‘seem’ equally divided not only builds resentment,…
Hi Nick,
I’m going to blame it on my insomnia, but last night I watched Dick Wolf’s new show, “Inside the FBI: New York,” and Comey was on several times. I am a diehard liberal (actually was up because I was thinking about a fight I had with a family member over politics now that I’m thinking about it), but I was really…
He said that he will only testify in a public hearing so here’s hoping he’ll dish a lot of info to the American people.
I disagree.
Wow. White people have literally no response to situations like this that can’t be twisted into a negative.
Would you prefer she consider it not her problem?
But...she was fully supporting the outrage...?
Jesus was absolutely a dissident. You’ve just misunderstood who his enemy was. Jesus was at war with his fellow Jews - not with Rome.
I’m an atheist, but the parts of the Bible about Jesus are pretty great. I think they serve as an amazing example of how to treat each other. The New Testament especially focuses on love, an idea that many American Christians seem to have forgotten. This preacher seems to realize that’s pretty important - maybe people…
That’s fine that you’re not personally offended by that stuff. I’m not personally offended by all the fake Irish crap on St. Patrick’s Day. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile to learn the day’s history, use it as intended and educate yourself a little, or take an extra moment to think about how you celebrate :)
I got you fam...
Bernie Sanders’ base is minorities and registered Democrats:
What a great please tell me, in this specific instance, in this specific race in this specific state in this specific city.....who the progressive candidate is that has any kind of hope of unseating a historically republican candidate...I will wait because trust me...i looked to see what the race even looked…
And this is why Democrats will continue to lose...unless a candidate is a unicorn and matches every criteria on a increasingly extensive checklist of liberal/moderate/socialist/progressive/lgbqt/feminist ideals...then they shouldn’t be supported. Instead of sucking it up and voting against the worst candidate, they…
Airlines who force passengers to check their bags at the gate should pay out an automatic $500 to those affected.…
I wonder if all these people regret having kids because they don't LET THEM ALONE for a minute.
The "I hate my son" one isn't funny at all; it's heartbreaking. And the "I regret having them every single day" one, over the beautiful photo of those adorable little boys, is incredibly sad as well. In fact, I find most of these more sad than funny. I think these women must be in a lot of pain to put these posts up…