
This is tangential but if anybody was on the fence about Louis as I was due to the harassment allegations, I literally just found an article that clarifies it:

I think this “turn taking nonsense” is not intended for us. It’s an olive branch to keep the conservatives from tuning out. You’ll never get your point to the other side if you don’t give them something first. The left and the right have been calling each other idiots ever since I first became of legal age to vote.

I’m on the verge of quitting and this article couldn’t have come at a better time. Maybe I overdid it in my youth but in the last couple years or so even a moderate amount of alcohol can trigger some insanely crippling anxiety or bouts of the darkest depression. Gladly trade that for a bit of social awkwardness.

Ally 5 year CD is at 2%... not bad if the main portion of emergency fund is in Ally savings and you want an additional low risk contingency CD ladder to maintain some cash value. The early withdrawal penalties are fairly reasonable too, cutting only in x number of days of interest, in case of true emergency.

Craig Ferguson was an awesome host. He is not a robot despite having a robot on the show. If only there was a way to mash his ability to deliver off-script interviews with Conan’s remote segments, we’d have the best late night show ever.

Maybe post got updated but it does indicate this new record is for electric skateboard presumably on flat land. Also indicated, the other 80+ mph record (set by same guy) was for a regular board going downhill. There is a differentiation but I’m inclined to agree with your sentiment that the downhill record is more

These money challenges are a great idea! Regarding impulse spending... is there a way to block the Kinja Deals that get posted every morning? I only look to “window shop” but wind up buying more velcro zip ties. Half serious. It’s too much willpower too early in the day.

I started this year with the intention of having a “free week / weekend” once or twice a month but wound up having a “free three solid months” instead. It seems like everyone I know is all up in cuisine culture and frankly I just don’t enjoy the act of eating in general.

You like poetry! Openly! So few people do anymore. Maybe you know of the Copper Canyon Press already? The Gift of Tongues, curated and edited by Sam Hamill, was life altering for me. Amazon is selling them for a penny used, what can go wrong?

Thanks for writing consistently awesome articles! I noticed a significant number of Lifehacker posts I’ve bookmarked for future reference were written by you! Peace out!

Your alarm clock sounds insane! Thanks for waking up and writing for us!

Thanks Eric. Great timing and excellent summary! Wasn’t a big fan of the last Nexus iteration (still holding on to my Nexus 5 2013) but need to upgrade soon. Have you seen the Nextbit Robin? I’ve been following their development since the Kickstarter campaign last year and while the final hardware appears to be

You may want to have several buffers.

What’s wrong with Shakespeare?

Hi Hero — Here’s my understanding of this: Credit scores are for the lender to determine your creditworthiness. It makes absolute sense that it would drop, probably by more than 20 points, if you were trying to take on a sudden influx of debt (buying a car, buying a home, financing a student loan) all within the same

Yes! Pyrex is king! I regret handing over my collection to roommate when moving. Me is dumb.

Yes! Pyrex is king! I regret handing over my collection to roommate when moving. Me is dumb.

It definitely doesn’t hurt to haggle rent... even if it doesn’t save you anything, it may reduce or eliminate the typical annual rent hike.

Excellent post, thanks for sharing your experience. I went through a similar experience a couple years ago and was torn with how to spread the “wealth”... your line about being a good friend or being able to afford to be a good friend is perfect.

xmarks worked for me but you do have to pay $12 per year year for premium features such as Android / iPhone sync. It integrates with the big 4 browsers via extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer).

California. :(