Falutin Free

No fuck the smug gawker Internet bullies. Oh wait, they just got fucked.

I literally hate this pedantic BS. The engine is flat. It's no more a V than a line is a V. The way the pistons and crank move don't change the shape of the engine.

I haven't paid too much attention to the case and don't know much about Thiel. I just feel like Denton has whatever's coming to him, no matter the source. Sure it would be nice if someone of outstanding moral fiber, but, whatever. I'm not shedding a tear for anyone in this case.

Or maybe Denton shouldn't have launched what amounts to a slander campaign against a billionaire and then publish the Hogan tape? Denton's always been scum, even if Thiel is less than perfect it's hard for me to feel sorry for a guy that's made hundreds of millions primarily through TMZ-type garbage.

Yea how dare Hulk Hogan have his sex tape released. What a prick. Maybe.. just maybe.. fuck Gawker.

Why fuck Hogan? Because he didnt want his sex tape on the internet?
Fuck Gawker. Go Jalopnik.

Excuse me what?? You think that all other sports are environment impact free?? I’m pretty sure building swimming stadiums, hockey stadiums etc. all around the world and maintaining + heating them are more wasteful.

Given that a lot of New Yorkers move to Florida, perhaps there’s a relation. Maybe, just maybe, Florida’s bat-shit insanity is imported...

I fail to understand why people think Florida is so nuts when New York has to be a hell of a lot more crazy.

This is also a Cascada-

Hmm, while looking for something else, I found this:

Um, yes? What in my post implies elsewise?

Conversely, I don’t care if it is blindingly fast and a technological tour de force.

Small percentage you say? And where are all the “good” cops who watch and do nothing, say nothing, and generally put their heads down when they know someone in their precinct is a piece of Shit?

...isn’t it called “aiding and abetting” when the other cops protect the bad ones?

and you could argue that only reason he went to jail was because he “wasn’t” a cop.

Any percentage of people with the ability to arbitrarily enforce predatory laws at gunpoint is too much.

Shut up.

The problem is even a small percentage is still a lot of people and they have guns and an us-against-them siege mentality. Also many police departments are allowed to keep vehicles confiscated from criminals (something that doesn’t happen in other developed countries), which clearly creates a conflict of interest