Falutin Free

Wow - another living soul who has never seen GOT and doesn’t care. I was starting to feel all alone in the world.

If you didn’t use Duke’s Mayo you did it wrong.

Haha. Is paying more for something cool unique to white people?

People buy trucks all the time and never do more than haul groceries and kids with them; where’s your outrage article on that?

Cars are built for specific purposes, and you are correct in thinking that. However, what you’re missing is that the purpose is for their owners to enjoy them however they see fit. It’s their

Jeep Wranglers are pieces of shit on the road and are really only suitable for offroad use, but Jalopnik doesn’t shit the bed whenever a sorority girl drives one to Starbucks. So why doesn’t it work the other way around?

WBC? A group of like 40 people who are literally inbred and have never harmed anyone?

The TSA are symptomatic of the entire US law enforcement dogma. Everyone is assumed to be a threat, and the burden is illegally placed on our shoulders to prove to someone too inept to make a rational assessment that we’re not.

Not going to happen simply because of the political bullshit the individual EU nations will saddle production with.

I’m sorry but...you’re wrong. That answer’s not on the board.

God forbid we interrupt the 400 posts on the Tesla 3

I don’t think she can hear you. Maybe yell a little louder?

This is delicious narcissism, he could author for a gawker sub-blog.

Hope Solo’s a wonderful role model, just not, you know, a positive one.

Unfortunately, i’m not sure this is true. The blue wall of silence is a real thing, and until the good cops (and their unions) stop automatically protecting the bad apples among their bunch its going to be hard for people to separate the good from the bad.

Yea...I understand that a bunch of people were riding like dicks, but I’m pretty sure that means you have to find those dicks and charge *them*. You can’t just start spraying people down because they’re using the same sort of vehicle.

Honestly it’s not even a debatable give and take. The statistics bear it out, cops doing traffic stops get hit a shitload more often than they get shot. The only reason to even entertain the “easier to shoot” narrative is the same completely fictitious “war on cops” excuse they use to buy armored vehicles and swat

Not true. In the realm of traffic, see: Seatbelts, cell phones.

Here in the nation’s heartland, I hear a constant drum beat of ‘these so-called moderate Muslims ought to stand up to the radicals or they are part of the problem.’

so a technology that doesnt exist yet..........ok cool story bro. when was the last time we built a nuclear plant in the US?

wow thats impressive....I guess that giant coal plant that burns three train cars an hour is clean energy. also lets not look into what it takes to build a battery and what you do with it after its short life cycle. I don’t live in a city with smog yet i subsidize those who do and want electric cars