Falutin Free

Only good part of the remake movie....when Tubbs flies the Adam Aircraft A500 and the first few notes from this song play in the background

Self: “Gah. Another anonymous potato-shaped SUV that’s just gonna spend most of its time in the drive-thru at Starbucks. Plus this one’s a BMW which means when it breaks, it will be a bitch to fix as well as prohibitively expensive. It would be rational to walk away.”

Say what you will about the dialog, people who use coffee cups as a fashion statement are complete assholes from the get go.

The Constitution is a living, breathing document, but there is a fundamental difference in how Liberals and Conservatives define the term living, breathing document.

Yes I think that’s my point, he followed a compass and he arrived sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right, because he was not choosing left or right, but applying an unwavering formula, something many people refuse to see or understand.

The distinction you draw is between a constitutional literalist and a constitutional originalist, where the former believes the words of the constitution and only those words matter and the latter adds the lens of how the writers of the constitution, amendments there to or law meant the words at the time they were

So what you are saying is: It’s ok to uphold the constitution, so long as you are socially liberal. Otherwise, you are wrong.

and commentators who agree witht hem belong in the grey, forever, lest the kumbaya chorus of self-referential same-mindlessness be interrupted with differing opinions

Now as gawker celebrates the man’s death because he found the constitution did not support gay marriage as a right, or any marriage as a right for that matter and gizmodo celebrates his death as a boon to climate change progress we have jalopnik pointing out that the same man following the same compass which he used

This is the kind of well thought out response I came here for, thank you sir.

But according to all the Gawker commenters, the Justices need to share every single opinion with me! If they don’t, they are old, racists, sexists assholes!

This should be good.

I’d ask my fellow Jalops to refrain from the Scalia venom that has permeated the other blogs (Hi Gawkerites!). I’d invite you to leave the vitriol at the door and discuss the article on the content instead of devolving into another Antonin Scalia whine tasting blog. Gawker and The Slot have about 2 dozen of those if

Issues like this one are precisely why we need Justices with varied opinions on the bench.

“The Jaguar XJ220 is beautiful, stupidly fast and with the turbo lag of a 3.5-liter twin-turbo V6 rally car engine, entertaining to drive as well. That’s why it’s one of my all time favorite supercars.”

So Jeff, how is retirement?

Now playing

Why don’t cars have dimples like golf balls?

Came to see this, left satisfied.

“Come on! Push him!!!!!”