Falutin Free

I know I’m in the minority here, but I am not a fan. I get it, but I hope they fall flat on their face. Maybe it’s just that I am such a GM and Porsche fan and Penske fan; that the idea of a Ford GT program run by Ganassi makes me want to puke. Maybe it’s the flying buttresses and the fact that I think Ford looked at

But... You knew there was going to be a sonic boom.

Over here in some parts of the Far East, mobile car wash attendants servicing car parks of offices and apartments (read: asian man or child or both with a bucket and wash rags) will leave wipers up to indicate the vehicle had been washed as instructed.

Seems to me like the GPS data alone should be enough to indict the guy for his foolishness. I’d love to see an article about his arrest next.

The car isn’t even out yet and you’re passing judgement. Haha ok...

Why are you spreading this nonsense? This is an ollllld wives tale, nothing more.

Wow that cop was so pleasant after pulling over a guy going 140mph. I’m now used to them running over the bike and then chuck norris kicking them in the chest or just shooting them.

Did someone say ultimate Beetle?

ROFL. I’ve been accused of being overly critical of the Lockheed F-35 and you call me a shill?

These people don’t sticker their car because of bad taste, they do it for rallies. The rally will have sponsors and all cars participating must use the official sticker set.

No. It doesn’t fit. Not everything that relates to Clarkson has to do with cars. This has nothing to do with cars or any other form of transportation, therefore, it doesn’t fit.

Wow that makes it 100x worse lol. And fuccboi? God I hope your parents had other children that lived.

your phrase “dick move” is a microaggression...PC bro

I didn’t mean that at all. I meant that just because you’ve chosen a tough path in an even tougher world, that doesn’t meant that everyone needs to champion your cause. As aforementioned, I personally have no stance, and just stay out of peoples personal stuff. The rest of the world is not like that though, and does

These guys aren’t journalists.

Agreed, the intolerance of the tolerant. I have nothing against transgender people although I think it is weird I will not ridicule anyone for it. However I don’t need people screaming at me if I don’t LOVE it. That is the problem with the PC crowd, if anyone disagrees with the hardcores they feel they need to shout


It should start with this: Dear Jason Torchinsky, don’t be an angry little manlet. :)

That definitely puts a different perspective on the tone of the article.