Falutin Free

You have no clue what you’re talking about. I’ve been handling firearms longer than I’ve been driving and I’m extremely knowledgeable and proficient at both.

Yeah he’s ok, but I guess he’s like 5'4

Couldn’t decide which one to post, so whatever one you like best

There is a reason you are not writing that comment in Russian.

Don’t forget that time Doug Masters and Chappy Sinclair brought an entire Middle Eastern dictatorship to its knees and assassinated its leader with just two of them. That alone puts it in the pantheon.

I respectfully disagree

If the law requires cops to drive marked vehicles, rather than unmarked ones, then exposing them breaking the law and calling them on that shit is not “harassment”.

You lost your girl to a biker, didn’t you, sport?

The Bernie Sanders crowd have some splainin’ to do about why they think the government can accomplish anything.

You’re just a delightful little pond-dweller aren’t you?

Aren’t you a pleasant little authoritarian.

it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.

You guys are jackasses. Glad you didn’t kill yourselves or anyone else.

Love this site but get so tired of snippy liberal comments. Can they hire an Anti Snippy Liberal Editor to strike pointless comments that annoy anyone that doesn’t want Hillary or Bernie? I just want to enjoy cars.

“Must bash fox somehow”

I find it ironic that, as supposed “green” experts in everything, they didn’t even know that VW offers an e-Golf, which assuming they only buy wind power from windfarms with windmills lovingly handcrafted from found scrap metal by hardworking indigenous peoples, would actually be greener than pretty much any other

Their entire “crusade” is nothing more than a hipster twitter social justice warrior attempt at self publication. I do agree with some aspects but most of this is wishy washy pie in the sky stuff. They drove a car and it was polluting regardless of low the emissions were supposed to be. If twitter didn’t exist and

The rider is a class-A twat. That old dude was not with it at all. He obviously didn’t understand what was going on with himself or his car. So rather than take action to perhaps save: (a) the guy’s car; (b) the guy; or (c) someone around the guy when the engine seizes up, he just meanders around like some sort of

Uh oh... where’s LouisTheroux to jump in here and say this story is just pro-American propaganda and the real door-kick-down was by European forces who charged in on horseback 10 years before the US arrived and used lances to disable Iraqi radars and that Britain and the Europeans would have taken care of Saddam