
I think the riddle can be solved looking at it in reverse - in more promiscuous species, presence (and size?) of the bone helped prolong intercourse, giving those individuals an above-average chance of passing on the genes that expressed themselves through longer, bigger penis bones. If one or more of those genes then

Just because something is no longer useful doesn’t mean it won’t get passed on. Evolutionary “holdovers” are common.

Any unneeded anatomy is selected against, because there’s always some metabolic cost to produce and maintain it, and if it’s not producing a greater benefit that’s a net negative to fitness.

Actually it wasn’t the director, it was an American distributor who said that. Bing Joon-Ho fought to keep the U.S. release intact, but ultimately lost. The full version was released in smaller arthouse theater locations.

No, that’s why we should stick to library science and not computer science when it comes to sorting books.

And he made the context crystal clear! Essentially: I identify with this outsider so privately in my own head I referred to him with the same slur that others used for me as a way of reclaiming.

Oh come on now. Orci is half-Mexican and he was born in Mexico. It’s more culturally insensitive of you guys to tell him that he can’t say “Spic” than for him to actually say it.

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

Still trying to lure him back to Nextwave with sugar cubes....

Any chance of a Global Frequency reintroduction?

Ellis’s run on Stormwatch was definitely one of the best.

So glad to see Crazy Uncle Warren back in the WSU. Of course, I’m happy to see Crazy Uncle Warren on any comic project, more so when he has a long-term plan in mind. He tends to sign up for short terms, to give both parties a chance to escape with no hard feelings (Moon Knight).

Am I the only person that liked his run on Stormwatch?

Oh, for sure. Him and Moore did a great job helping expand beyond the whole “grim/dark EXTREME” that permeated the setting for the longest time. Still love what Casey and Brubaker brought to the table, as well. Really, once they decided to get creative and bring in people that weren’t just founders or friends of

Not only that, but he basically BUILT the universe as it was known. Pre-Ellis Wildstorm was typical 90's drek & X-Men/Avengers clones. Ellis made it sometbing totally different (along with Joe Casey & Ed Brubaker)

In some ways given how the New52 felt like a bastardized attempt to mimic what Ellis had done to Superheroes with Stormwatch/Authority & Planetary, I don’t disagree with you.
But if they are paying the man and giving him full creative control and why wouldn’t they, it should be fun.

DC doesn’t deserve Warren Ellis.

I could not be happier to read this. I fucking LOVE’d the Ellis & Eye of the Storm era WSU

Sweet Christmas!

I’m just so damn happy. *sniff* This made my day.