
If anyone but Lord and Miller were doing this, I’d be 100% in agreement with you. I’m looking forward to Rogue One, but that’s a side story filling in some background detail that doesn’t otherwise affect the original trilogy, and potentially shines a light on characters in the SW universe who aren’t Jedis or Generals

It could be. I’m not going to outright condemn it until I see how it actually plays out in the story. I’m just a bit apprehensive is all.

Which makes it all the more perplexing to set them up as the bad guy. UN treaties are documents that make nations who aren’t NATO, Russia, or China feel warm and fuzzy, but have few means of enforcement. This would be nothing but a gentleman’s agreement anyway. Instead of the message being “Cap does the right thing

Also—and we knew it would be an international regulation, but still—by making the Avengers sign a United Nations agreement, instead of adhering to American laws, there’s a danger the message won’t be, “Captain America does what he thinks is best for Americans, even if it puts him in conflict with their government”,

I’m cautiously optimistic about Beyond. At least, I have a lot of faith in Lin and Pegg’s previous work and I still think this new cast is great.

The first third or so is the beginning of one of the best Star Trek films in the franchise. Once they land on Cronos though, the rest becomes one of the worst films in the franchise.

I’m also a bit worried about JJ straight up cloning (hah!) scenes from the OT. But if we’re going to have a Force Awakens version of the cantina scene, I’m hopeful Miranda at least brings a fresh take to the music.

I hope that’s the guard. There’s a good reason they exist.

You’re welcome. FWIW I’m still backing it, but if I had a change of heart like you did I’d want to know my options.

FWIW, Gal Gadot’s ankle-length skirt in this pic looks way too long for a 1940s woman.

If the Kickstarter campaign’s still ongoing, shouldn’t you still be able to cancel your pledge?

It’s true. Unfortunately. But Aliens vs. Predator should really been seen as a separate franchise from both the mainline Alien and Predator film series, which really don’t crossover. Other than the two AvP films, the crossover usually happens in spin-off media like comics and video games.

Kilgrave covers his tracks. He forced the police IT guy to eliminate the footage of him on the security tapes, and then made everyone forget he was there. We can assume this is standard MO. So how are the FBI and CIA going to find him?

All the best, Annalee! Thanks for building my favourite place on the internet. Thanks for building a place for science fiction fandom that actually looks at the present and the future instead of falling back on past visions of the future—I’m not sure I would have been reinvigorated in my love of SF&F a few years ago

I stopped reading after the Heritage of Shannara series. Was it ever important to the plot or anything, or just something they mentioned now and then?

They still applaud at film festivals.

I think all of that added up and contributed to her need to be in complete control of her own life. No one could touch her if she didn’t want them to; no one could get into her home if she didn’t want them to; she called all the shots on her show. In theory, anyway.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough!