
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for this.

So I'm trying to remember the last genre series that had a female character who could be described as the slick fast-talker. Gabrielle on the early seasons of Xena: Warrior Princess, maybe?

Well, they're supposed to be a field team of trouble-shooters and problem-solvers. I kind of expect them to be defined by their competencies.

Not sure I fully agree. I protest this notion that Nolan's Batman films are somehow "realistic". They're not as even as realistic as a Roger Moore-era Bond film. And comic book films like Wanted, Jumper, and Kick-Ass are as just as cheesy and campy as 60s-Batman, only the film-makers think some vulgarity and

How strong was the coffee back then?

You've hit on the part of the ending that sat uneasily with me. Namely, we're told the Rainmaker is a bad guy solely from despicable mob assassins who are being offed by said "bad guy" one by one. Oh, and he has recruitment problems since one of his goons got trigger-happy and accidentally kills Joe's wife (so if it's

Yeah, but there's that 5 second delay between dismembering the younger self, and the older self suddenly being shocked they're missing a digit that they've had 30 years to get used to not having—gah! My brain hurts!

There are good reasons to target Cheyenne Mountain and the military industry in the area. But why you would consider a suburb a priority target is beyond me. Was the President there for a visit?

"You have been eaten by a black smoke monster."

Naval-like capital ship battles are pretty much obsolete here and now. There are fewer and fewer reasons to rely on aircraft carriers at this point—if you can win battles with just missiles, air-fueled bombers, UAVs and submarines (also—a kamikaze suicide bomber in a Zodiac boat or light aircraft is effectively a

In terms of both the taxpayers' money and civilian support for war back home (which even dictators have to worry about), what's the better way of doing things? Sending 100+ drones with little chance of loss of personnel on our side, or sending four fighter-bombers with trained pilots who are somebody's child, sibling,

I liked that about him too. You don't get a lot of contemplative main characters on TV, it seems. He was very refreshing. I'm not sure he would have worked for the rest of the main plot like Sheridan, but O'Hare's class act in returning to wrap up Sinclair's story was one of the greatest moments in TV SF.

Bruce Boxleitner said as much at Toronto ComiCon back in March. "It's scary how small our annual reunion dinner is," or something to that effect.

Way to completely read too much into Anarwen's comment and project your own martyr complex onto it.

Had to go with the first one of these I ever saw, G.I. Joe.

Well, aside from the novel time travel mechanic itself—which is a really excellent take—Henry and Clare's romance is really the only thing driving the book. Almost every character in the book is so gosh darn nice there's very little character conflict, and what little there is courtesy of Gomez and Ingrid (who isn't

Some thoughts:

BMI is intended to measure body mass in populations, not individuals. Even then, it's preferred because it requires no special equipment (just tape measure and scale), not because it's the most accurate test of obesity.

For all the problems using the squid in the film—and I agree with much of your reasoning—I had one really big problem with switching it to Dr. Manhattan. In the comics, as per Ozymandias' plan the squid is held up as evidence of an extraterrestrial invasion, giving incentive for the superpowers to put aside their

IM2 still doesn't hold up as a film by itself. It's trying to juggle too many balls at once. I'm not even sure Nick Fury's role is adequately explained in that film if you haven't seen any of the others.