
Unless you're one of those pedants who limits the use of "gun" to artillery.

Jordan had sex, but from what I read of Wheel of Time's first six books, there's a fair bit of T&A but not a lot of hot and heavy action. Like a 13-year-old boy's idea of sex.

Just came to that realization too. So I think Mackie might be right.

To put it simply, cis means you identify with the gender that was assigned to you at birth. E.g. if you were born and male was indicated on your birth certificate, and you were raised as male, and have never really questioned your maleness, then you're cis. It doesn't matter which gender(s) you are sexually attracted

Maybe he means "first African-American superhero in a live-action film". Although that would mean Mackie either forgot about Blade or doesn't consider him a superhero.

Wow, I went around that mountain before giving up, but now I see it's literally a molehill. Thanks for this.

I do. It was also called Chosen (although now I think it's called American Jesus Volume 1: Chosen). It came out just at the time Millar was transitioning from somewhat interesting Warren Ellis protegé to unbearable exploitative hack. Chosen fell on the better side of that divide, although I found Garth Ennis' Wormwood

If he needed major foreign financing, maybe the budget's really tight? Maybe it's far cheaper to license an existing recording than hiring musicians and studio time?

The Queen, and Hugh and the other "individualist" Borg, and the escaped Borg from that Voyager episode, the fact that the Borg used to only care about assimilating technology (they were born organic humanoids and implanted as infants) but were transformed into techno-vampires who could instantly Borgify victims, etc.

I just remember being really turned off by that extended Revolution trailer. Specifically the female lead begging her uncle for help, wailing "I've lost too much for you to refuse to help me!" And all I could think was, "Lady, how many millions died 15 years ago when the power went out? How many corpses still litter

None of the characters dress like people who until 15 years ago had all their clothing made overseas in mechanized Asian textile factories—clothing generally not designed to last more than a few years under good conditions, let alone without modern laundry methods—and had to start making new clothing without an

RoboCop's tagline would appear to be "We've Been Playing A Lot Of Mass Effect."

I immediately thought of Erica Jong when I read that.

Reading Shakespeare for class is a good way to turn kids off of it. I never got the appeal of the Bard in high school when were expected to read plays like they were novels. It wasn't until I saw performances in university where the stage dressing and actors put his obfuscating Elizabethan English into its proper

Speaking for myself, I'm not as bothered by Kirk's death scene itself. For all his bluster and bravado, there were a lot of times Kirk displayed quiet dignity. So his final words being delivered with quiet dignity to Picard was absolutely fine, although I might have preferred Kirk dying on the Enterprise, his one true

It's really good for smoothing out wrinkles.

But to their credit, at least the Matrix sequels didn't play it safe. My problem with them wasn't so much the writing as the gratuitous action scenes.

If Wikipedia's to be believed, there are several different systems for Romanizing Russian. Maybe multiple ones are in common use?

It's kind of sad that big-idea feature-film science fiction nowadays almost always has to revolve around stylish action set pieces. We rarely see a drama like Gattaca that doesn't insert chase scenes or fight sequences. Even Inception was full of combat.

Whedon's had that situation before, when Buffy and Angel were running at the same time. While those series had some crossover, mostly in the beginning before Buffy jumped networks, there were a lot of world-ending plots in both series. Angel didn't run to Sunnydale every single time Buffy was dealing with a potential